Welcome to The Bonefish Flat

There's a stiff wind in your face as you squint in the sun trying to see what the guide sees. "Bonefish at 12 o'clock about 90 feet, do you see it, mon?" You don't and keep squinting, your hat pulled low to keep the sun out of your eyes. "Bonefish at 11 o'clock 70 feet out. Come on man, do you see it?" As the guide is calmly shifting the skiff into position, this time you spot the fish, "I got, it," you reply.

"OK, Mon, Bonefish 50 feet at 10 o'clock. Cast when you're ready."

Cast when you're ready. And with that you drop your fly, roll out a cast, false cast once, and then...

Welcome to the bonefish flat.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011: Year of the Redfish

In the Chinese New Year, 2011 is the year of the rabbit.  But here at the Bonefish Flat it's officially the year of the Redfish.  If you follow the site, you know that I'm about all kinds of saltwater fly fishing and the redfish has thus far proven elusive for me.

I had a work trip scheduled to New Orleans last year (Who Dat!!), but my side trip to catch a NOLA red got cancelled due to some unforeseen circumstances so I couldn't get into the reds.  I did get a chance to see some of the city and am really looking forward to going back sometime.

Cafe Du Monde

Muddy Banks of the Mississippi 

French Quarter Fun  

Redfish run in the shallows from Virginia to Florida and through the Gulf Coast.  In Virginia, they can be a little harder to catch simply because there aren't as many of them and here they are known as puppy drum.   You can catch bull reds in the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, but you need to troll for them as they swim deep and they make for next to impossible fly rod targets which is how we roll here on the flat.

I've been out several times in the Virginia Beach area for Reds, but haven't had any luck.  The fish there aren't that plentiful and like almost saltwater fishing, you've got to know your tides.

 My Kayak In Virginia Beach looking for Reds.  

Tom with his old tricked out yak taking a break from the Redfish Hunt.

So why is this the year of the Redfish, in addition to my annual trip somewhere bonefishy, I'm trying to plan a trip to Charleston, S.C. for a few days and use the kayaks to try and catch a Red.  So this year, we'll be writing more about kayaks and about planning a DIY trip to South Carolina (or somewhere nearby).  It's always an adventure when you try to DIY on these kind of trips and this one should be no different.  

If you have any tips, advice, or good places to get started, drop me a line at bonefishflat@gmail.com.  

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