Welcome to The Bonefish Flat

There's a stiff wind in your face as you squint in the sun trying to see what the guide sees. "Bonefish at 12 o'clock about 90 feet, do you see it, mon?" You don't and keep squinting, your hat pulled low to keep the sun out of your eyes. "Bonefish at 11 o'clock 70 feet out. Come on man, do you see it?" As the guide is calmly shifting the skiff into position, this time you spot the fish, "I got, it," you reply.

"OK, Mon, Bonefish 50 feet at 10 o'clock. Cast when you're ready."

Cast when you're ready. And with that you drop your fly, roll out a cast, false cast once, and then...

Welcome to the bonefish flat.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Bonefish Flat is Back!!

Got in late yesterday afternoon after a great fishing trip. In fact, it was the best trip I've ever had. My dad and I had a chance to fish three days on Grand Bahamas and we caught some truly great fish.

I'm working on a trip report for this week. The fishing was tough. The conditions were really windy and partly cloudy meaning we really earned every fish we caught. The number of fish we caught was down, but the quality was up. I don't think we caught a small bone the entire trip.

It was just great to be fishing with my dad, too. It doesn't get any better than that.

Here's a few pics to hold you over until I get a full report up.

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