Welcome to The Bonefish Flat

There's a stiff wind in your face as you squint in the sun trying to see what the guide sees. "Bonefish at 12 o'clock about 90 feet, do you see it, mon?" You don't and keep squinting, your hat pulled low to keep the sun out of your eyes. "Bonefish at 11 o'clock 70 feet out. Come on man, do you see it?" As the guide is calmly shifting the skiff into position, this time you spot the fish, "I got, it," you reply.

"OK, Mon, Bonefish 50 feet at 10 o'clock. Cast when you're ready."

Cast when you're ready. And with that you drop your fly, roll out a cast, false cast once, and then...

Welcome to the bonefish flat.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I often write about Flip Pallot and where he is and what he is up to. On weekend mornings , I still really miss The Walkers Cay Chronicles. There are a few good shows out now, but nothing like Walkers Cay. Flip just had a way of really speaking to people. His show was so well written and wasn't about just a grip and grin shot or use this or that product. The Walkers Cay Chronicles was a reflective and thoughtful show about the broader meaning of fishing.

The Man

To that end, I think the reason I'm such a big Flip fan is that he is just a true sportsman. To read about him is to understand his love to fish, hunt, and spend time outdoors. A one time banker, he realized he needed to get out of the office life and try to pursue his real goal as a flats fishing guide. While a big risk, he ended up with a big reward.

I ran across this article from my friends at Hells Bay Boatworks. Flip is attending the 65th birthday of Harry Goode's Outdoor Shop which apparently is a great fly shop, among other things. The event is this Saturday in Melbourne, Florida for those of you lucky enough to live in Florida. If I could get down there, I would certainly go and get an autograph and learn a thing or two.

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