That could all change this weekend. I've got my kayak ready and some killer kwans tied to head down to the outer banks this weekend. My dad and I are going to camp and fish in our yearly fishing trip.

The Killer Kwan
So far I haven't had the best of luck with reds, but I've got my stuff together and we will be fishing a spring tide so hopefully the spotted bass will cooperate.

Fresh Kwans
So why all this talk of Kwans for puppy drum, the fly is a cross-breed of shrimp and crab with an unknown orange thing tied onto the butt. I'm betting that orange thing is what sets the rat reds off.
If the Kwan don't work, maybe the merkin will.

The rest of my flies
Wish me luck boys and girls, it looks like it will be hot and channel bass can be tough to catch, but who knows, maybe I'll finally land a spotted tail. It would be great to post a trip report next week with a picture of me and a bull red!!
So I managed to call the red drum by 9 different names in this post, including rat reds, even though we think big here on the flat!
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